You sexy beast!

The year end’s closing in and I’m craving that slam dunk moment that every narcissist – which essentially is every human being – is constantly on the lookout for. The moment that says, “Look darling, the world revolves around you.”

Here’s how it came together, most unexpectedly

The svelte Srimoyi Bhattacharya called last week to invite me to a preview of the Forevermark Promise collection at the Basant Boardroom, Four Seasons. Earlier this year, Forevermark (a De Beers brand) invited select partners from around the world to create diamond jewellery  inspired by the word ‘Promise’.  This dazzling globe-trotting exhibit features the works of 13 designers including Rohit Bal, Reena Ahluwalia, Rachel Roy, Rose and UK based jeweller Shaun Leane .

At the onset, let me admit, even as a gemmologist and designer; I’m not a diamond fangirl. There’ no denying their beauty, but they don’t get my pulse racing like dewy fresh peridots, soft aquamarines or fiery sapphires. They’re just sitting there, poised perfectly on the top of Moh’  Scale of Hardness , all ethereal and gorgeous, massively posh and just a teensy scary.

But when Srimoyi calls with the promise of Great Big Gobs of Glittering Gems, you go.

Loved it! Loved it!

The designs were stunning, veering away the ‘Look-we’ve-got-obscene-carats-of-diamonds-and-we’re-going-to-bung-them-all-together-until-your-eyes-pop’ philosophy practiced by  Big Daddy Diamond Cos.

There were sinuous, sensuous designs by Rachel Roy; The American costume designer’s first ever jewelry piece features in this exhibit – a body chin of sorts with an ‘Evil Eye’ centerpiece. I chatted up with Toronto-based Reena Ahluwalia, ostensibly concentrating on reviews at the Toronto International Film Fest, whilst trying hard not to gawk at her pow-wow shoulder dusters, sensibly paired with an LBD.  (A follower of the No Blinding Via Bling cult, I like!) Almost yanked her finger off her hand when I spied the cleverest ring ever – A globe of floating diamonds, if you will! Here’s Reena’s diamond collar for the exhibited. imagine that with a salmon pink or peach chiffon saree and sheer blouse.

But of course, the hotties of the evening were London-based Stephen Websters China-inspired designs, starring the mightiest and proudest of Chinese mythological symbols – the Dragon. A brooch and a really sexy double-ring, both intricately detailed and dazzling, both featuring 5 carat plus rocks. This rock-and-rolla dude doesn’t always work with diamonds, which is why even his flashiest designs are fun and fiery and move ahead of the  ‘look-ma-I’m pretty’ curve.

I’m a Dragon (yay!)

A Fire Dragon (double yay!!)

2012 is the year of the Water Dragon (triple yay!)

Perhaps this instant association was what had me totally tripping on Webster’s designs. Admittedly,  others did vie viciously for attention, including a hair brooch that would require the wearer to be trailed 24/7 by bouncers and bodyguards.

The Chinese revere this pompous but extremely lucky and benevolent creature.  Dragons make excellent artists, politicians, military wo(men) and excel in other out-there professions.

Are you a Dragon too? Check your Chinese Zodiac sign here. It’s fun matching compatibilities with other animals.

Since you’re asking,  I dig Roosters and Tigers and and have a  soft spot for Monkeys and Dogs.

And yes, diamonds!

About terminal39

I'm a travel and lifestyle writer and author, based in Mumbai, India.

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